Sunday, September 27, 2015

beehive ART boxes

 WE are so happy to be spreading the word about our beehive ART boxes. We've put together our favorite materials and methods from the studio and put them in a box for you. 
 OPEN the box and explore!   
get your beehive ART box  here 



                                            coming soon.. 

Friday, September 25, 2015

turmeric dye

I've had my eye in this turmeric dye for quite some time. Luckily 
 I came across great inspiration from Ellie Beck at petalplum
If you're itching about natural dyes..
 she is the queen to go to. 
Her blog is chock full of natural goodness and beauty. 
and her  instagram is a daily treat. Thank you Ellie ! 

 I love love this rich yellow color  
and the technique is simple, clean and fun. 

Friday, September 4, 2015

fish prints

   summer ART 2015 fish prints

I love how the kids used the sponges to create coral, water and seaweed.
We used only gold and/or silver paint for the fish.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Thursday, August 27, 2015

beehive portraits

we're bananas over beehive portraits. 

black + white photographs 
with colored pencils and teeny shells are just right. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

spin shells



SPIN art is always a HUGE hit at beehive and 
spinning these shells was especially fun! 

I glued the shells onto a matt board base prior to spinning.  
After the spin paint has dried you can color and paint the base. 


more  beehive spins HERE

Monday, August 24, 2015

Saturday, August 1, 2015

sally sells seashell messages

A colorful stack of secret shell messages from summer ART15

 Simply sweet and sincere,
just like the children who created them. 

I've written a DIY for