Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Marbling Magic

Adding the water based ink to the water bath, drop by drop,
aiming for the floating paper disc.
Carefully swirling the trails of ink on the water's surface.
Placing the paper on water's surface until it absorbs ink.
Pulling paper off  when edges have curled up.

We LOVE marbling at Beehive.
We explore this marbling method a couple of times a year,
and when we do, it is always a big huge favorite.
It is magical, the way the ink adheres to the paper via the waters surface. 
The children have control over how much ink and 
which color combinations they want to use.  
There's no telling what the print will look like, but it almost doesn't matter 
because the process to get there is over the moon.

Aitoh Boku-Undo Suminagashi marbling kit from here.

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